Webinar – Microsoft Graph

Webbinarier om intranät
  • 24/03/2006 - 16/06/2021
  • 13:00 to 14:00
  • Online via Microsoft Teams

Luise Freese will give us a short overview of what is Microsoft Graph and how you can leverage both your custom coded and low-code solutions using this set of APIs and then open a discussion on use cases and approaches for citizen developers and pro developers giving guidance how to extend Microsoft 365.

Luise is an independent Microsoft 365 Consultant and Low Code Developer, Microsoft MVP, member of PnP team and Lego addict. She runs a stickershop at pyod.shop, blogs at m365princess.com and lives in Duesseldorf, Germany.

Session by Luise Freese, independent Microsoft 365 Consultant.

2021-6-1614:002021-6-1614:00Europe/London Webinar – Microsoft Graph Online via Microsoft Teams
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