Webinar: Why you should get out of chat and into Microsoft Teams’ channels
- 25/09/2000 - 06/09/2021
- 14:30 to 15:30
- Online via Microsoft Teams
SWOOP Analytics has analysed almost 100,000 teams as part of its 2021 Microsoft Teams Benchmarking Report. The conclusion from the analysis and interviews with leading experts is clear. For teamwork: Get out of chat and into Team channels.
We’ll walk you through the key findings from the report, and you’ll hear the secret to success from the #1 top team on Teams – Chaucer’s internal communications team about how they use Teams Channels to streamline the production of their newsletter.
You’ll also hear from the collaboration experts OrangeTrail. They provided expert advice to the report on the top tips for getting teams collaborating on Microsoft Teams.
Join us for an interactive session where you can learn how to get out of chat and into channels.
Webinar with
- Cai Kjaer, SWOOP Analytics
- Laurence Lock Lee, Chief Scientist, SWOOP Analytics
- Dani Lindley, Internal Communications Manager, Chaucer (TBC)
- Jaap Linssen, Founder, OrangeTrail
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