Webinar – Super effective ways to get senior leaders active on your Enterprise Social Network

  • 08/11/2005 - 16/12/2019
  • 15:00 to 16:00

Webinar by Cai Kjaer, CEO at SWOOP Analytics

According to many employee engagement surveys people want more authentic and two-way conversation with their senior leaders. Traditional channels like email, town-hall meetings and intranet posts aren’t engaging enough and doesn’t allow for two-way conversation. Enterprise social networks provide the mechanism for leaders to engage with their people at scale, but most don’t know to use them effectively.

In this interactive session you’ll learn a handful of evidence-based highly practical tips you can teach your senior leaders that will guarantee better use and higher levels of engagement between employees and senior leaders in your organisation. It will cover practical things such as how often to use the enterprise social network, how much (or rather how little) time should be spent, how, and how much, you should write and even where you should post.


Denna nätverksträff är för medlemmar i Intranätverks nätverksgrupper. Läs gärna mer om våra nätverksgrupper och medlemskap. Skulle du vilja prova på denna nätverksträff kan självklart göra det kostnadsfritt genom att anmäla dig till ett provmöte.

Konsulter och leverantörer har ej åtkomst till IntraNätverks nätverksgrupper.

2019-12-1616:002019-12-1616:00Europe/London Webinar – Super effective ways to get senior leaders active on your Enterprise Social Network Not indicated
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