Temamöte/Webbinarie: The Alliander intranet: Connecting via internal social media

  • 28/10/2024
  • 14:00 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

The Alliander social intranet is all about connections. It brings management and employees together and connects colleagues from different departments and locations making it crucial in today’s digital and competitive job market.

By addressing user needs, the platform adds real value, with 92% of employees finding it helps them perform their jobs better, 86% visits the intranet every day and 49% respond, like, or share content on the intranet.

In this session Natasja shares how they achieved this and how they continuously improve the intranet with user feedback.

Key takeaways:

  • Employee listening is key
  • Adoption is love
  • Co-creation makes the social intranet

Session by Natasja Lenferink, Manager Online Channels at Alliander. 

Educated as a historian, grown up as a marketing and communication professional with a focus on internal and change communication. User & digital employee experience is my motivation. I (try to) understand the user, speak the language of IT and, as a bridge builder, am able to connect both.

Detta temamöte är för medlemmar i Intranätverks nätverksgrupper. Läs gärna mer om våra nätverksgrupper och medlemskap Skulle du vilja prova på detta temamöte kan du självklart göra det kostnadsfritt genom att anmäla dig till ett provmöte.

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