Members Share Knowledge: Opportunities and risks around GPT3 (AI) in the digital workplace

  • 24/04/2023
  • 14:30 to 15:30
  • Microsoft Teams

In this “Members Share Knowledge” online session, we will exchange experiences and expectations around GPT3.

Frank Giroux, Digital Supply Chain Transformation Manager, Bayer and Martin White, Principal Analyst, SearchResearch, set the scene with some initial introductions, definitions and thoughts.


Frank Giroux:

  • Large Language Models and text generators
  • The differences between GPT-3 and ChatGPT
  • Emerging opportunities
  • Barriers to implementation

Martin White:

  • What do we mean by ‘search’?
  • Is GPT3 an enterprise search solution?
  • ‘We have SharePoint search – where does GPT3 fit in?’


  • How will GPT3 change the job of content management for the intranet?
  • Who should own, train and maintain corporate language models?
  • How can a company protect its corporate know-how in the context of global-central language models?


This webinar is for IntraNätverk members only.

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