IOW Webinar: How we re-introduced our enterprise social network

  • 16/02/2009 - 19/10/2020
  • 14:00 to 15:00
  • Online via Microsoft
Detta webinar är en del av IntraTeam Online Week. För att se hela programmet – klicka här.
Webinar description

This session will focus on Yammer as the Enterprise Social Network system at Phillips. Dennis Agusi will deep dive into how Phillips moved from Socialcast to Yammer. They transitioned the content, users and groups and had to help people understand how the new enterprise social network works. This has laid an excellent foundation resulting that Yammer is being used by the CEO as a strategic engagement tool (group name: ‘In conversation with Frans’). 

Key takeaways from this session:

  • How to leverage a crowdsource activity for change management  
  • How you can plan a crowdsourcing activity  
  • Do’s and don’ts for a crowdsourcing activity.  
  • How our CEO is using it as a strategic engagement tool  
  • Lessons learned from our CEO group. 

Webinar by Dennis Agusi, Director of Communication Channels, Philips

OBS! Detta webinar är på engelska
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2020-10-1915:002020-10-1915:00Europe/London IOW Webinar: How we re-introduced our enterprise social network Online via Microsoft
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